
By Angelique


It was the sort of day that when the alarm clock goes off, you can't believe it's THAT time and you roll over and go back to sleep. Then when you've dragged your feet out of the bed, you peep out of the curtains and it's blowing a hoolie and the rain is thundering against the window!!

I went into the kitchen and greeted Phoebe, and after her stretch and cuddle opened the back door for her to go out and 'perform'. She took one look out, looked back at me, and you could see she was saying - "you have to be joking".

Eventually she performed, very reluctantly and we both went into the conservatory to watch the rain. It was then I realised the Ipomea had, for the first time, produced more than one flower. All the time it was outside, we were given just one at a time. Since I brought the plant in, more buds have started to appear. So I give you the above Morning Glory - and you can see why/how they got their name.

After getting to work like a drowned rat, the sun eventually came out and we were given clear blue skies. Amazing - how our weather can change so dramatically. All about being a small island apparently.

Hope your day has been successful - whatever you have had to achieve!!
The best thing about my day was choir practise. Hearing an ordinary song with 4 different parts being sung was very uplifting. The concert is not until 16 December but it will take that long to master some of the music.

Tomorrow is another day, so walk away from this one. If anyone has upset you today, leave it. Dont take it into tomorrow - we cant all be right - can we?!!!

Sending hugs and love to you all. Oh and Countryfile - Russ has a double!! He was outside Tesco this afternoon. X

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