Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

When cucumbers attack

My flatmate bought a nice bottle of gin a few months ago and because it is best enjoyed with cucumber rather than lime, they gave you a little grow your own cucumber kit. I didn't expect them to get much past seedlings, we're very good at forgetting about our plants (thankfully most of them like a bit of neglect and can easily be coaxed back in to life). However these are growing strong and soon will be too big for our little windowsill.

Last week they suddenly uncurled little tentacles. Now we know why, apparently the cucumber had a fight with the lemon grass and is now trying to ring the llife out of it. Either that or they've just made up and the cucumber is giving it a big hug.

You can also see in this shot, one of our other problems with houseplants, the chilli plant insists on always having a full colony of white fly, no matter how much soapy water is sprayed on it.

Thanks to everyone for your kind comments on yesterday's blip and a huge thanks to DaveH for the big heads up about the microfibre cloths.

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