Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat


I'm trying to get back in to swimming and one of my two reasonably local pools has just reopened. The Boy jokingly said he'd get up at 7am for a swim if he could go back to bed afterwards, well I took him up on that offer. By 7:40am we were heading up the hill to the pool and you could really tell that autumn is drawing in. There was a slight bite to the air and a street cleaner was sweeping up dead leaves.

We had a nice (albeit brief due to current unfitness levels) swim before wandering down to Morningside to sort out our holiday bank account. Nationwide don't charge commision on foreign currency debit card transactions in Europe so it'll cut down the amount of Swedish/Icelandic Krona we need to take with us. This meant that by the bottom of the road we could pop in to Loopy Lorna's for a pot of tea. I still prefer Eteaket but for a local tea shop without having to trail in to town it does the job. This was our tea cosy.

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