Lathyrus Odoratus

By lathyrus

The new window

I went down to St Peter's Church this morning to look at the new stained glass window which was installed yesterday - the first new window since 1978. It comprises a dedication to Eddie Mathias, rector from 1965 to 1992, and four panels. The lowest panel shows a mass of bluebells. The second is this image of the local landscape showing the windmill and the north side of the church. Above this is a further panel with beams of sunlight and finally a white dove. I think its a fantastic new window, a great design and very subtle colours.

I've been asked to provide a photograph of the window to go on the order of service for the dedication and another for the church calendar. As is often the case with stained glass windows its rather awkward to photograph. The window faces east so there is strong reflection from the cloudy sky while the pews and columns inside make it difficult to get far enough away to avoid distortion. I've taken quite a few photographs this morning and will probably have another go tomorrow if the light is different. The order of service is being printed on Monday so I don't have time to mess about.

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