John Bishop

I'd never really paid much attention to John Bishop before March 2012. I knew he was a comedian, but I don't really watch much live comedy or have any idea who is good or not.

Bishop earned my respect when I saw his Sport Relief Hell when he undertook a massive 290 mile triathlon as part of Sport Relief. I was massively impressed by the feat and his determination and shed a few tears as he crossed the finish line.

He's recently published his autobiography; How Did All This Happen. Tonight I went to see him chat to Fred MacAuley about his book, his life, his comedy career and that triathlon. It was a relatively unpublicised event at the Assembly Rooms in Edinburgh. I managed to get in the front row and thoroughly enjoyed it - John and Fred were both in good form. There was a book signing afterwards, but I didn't buy a book - I'll get in on the kindle at some point.

In other news, I slept better last night, ran 6 miles this morning and spent the rest of the day catching up with all my Uni work. A very productive day!

Today's run: 6 miles
October running mileage: 17 miles
2013 running mileage: 892 miles

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