
By Stace91

Ahhh... That Old Book Smell!!

"Old books exert a strange fascination for me -- their smell, their feel, their history; wondering who might have owned them, how they lived, what they felt." - Lauren Willig

Finally the days are becoming slightly clearer. Nan has been given a date to leave the hospital and it is next Monday!!! She is counting down the days she can leave "prison" and return to her family and the places she is familiar with.

Before visiting her today, mum and I went to Nan's house to check on some things and my brother was cleaning out his old book case and I scored some gifts :-) psychological thrillers and true crime books with the old book smell... Yay!!

Today wasn't too hot in Sydney but fires were still blazing. My thoughts go out to all the families being affected by this terrible disaster, and also to the friends and families of the firefighters who are doing an amazing job and trying to keep everyone safe. I hope it will all be over soon and the recovery can begin.

I also hope that the kids who have been starting fires around the state will learn that although fire is an element that has intrigued humans for thousands of years going back to the caveman days, it is not a toy and a lot of damage can be caused. Lighting a small twig can start a domino affect...

8, 11, 14, 15... It's just sad. Where has the innocence gone? 14 year olds should be playing cricket or wrestling with their siblings in the back yard, not being arrested and charged with criminal offences.

Take care of yourselves and each other xx

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