
Yesterday some friends from my running club ran the Amsterdam Marathon. They all did exceptionally well, with nearly all running PBs. Congratulations!

Among them, one girl, N, ran it in 2 hours 36 minutes. Yes that is a 2. She can basically run a marathon 2 hours faster than I can. Apparently that's also an Olympic qualifying time! She did this despite fracturing/twisting her pelvis earlier on this year. I am completely in awe.

Anyway I've been thinking about this a lot today - I can't tell you how much I admire her determination. So tonight, N was my inspiration for going out for a run in the miserable, misty, rainy weather (and possibly why I might sign up for a 2014 marathon despite previously deciding I wouldn't do another until 2015).

This is St Anthony's Chapel overlooking St Margaret's Loch in Holyrood Park as seen from my run tonight.

Today's run: 4 miles
October running mileage: 21miles
2013 running mileage: 896 miles

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