Cheshire Oaks

Audrey woke early which threw the whole day into disarray. We'd had such good intentions to get up and packed and on the road but ended up sneaking back to bed for a nap on her first nap instead.
Then we were groggy and packed in a daze, forgetting loads of stuff and setting off late instead.

We stopped at Cheshire Oaks for lunch at Wagamama's (see pic, Audrey looking at Angus as though he's lost his mind as he sticks chopsticks up his nose Blackadder style!) and a shop. Wow, it's a bit good there isn't it? I thought it would be full of discounted rubbish (and a lot of it was) but the designer stuff was great. I bought Angus the Burberry mac he'd coveted yesterday in Manchester (and for many years before that) for his birthday. Had to dust the credit card off for that one.

Audrey was so good considering she'd been in the cot and car most of the morning, followed by a push round in the pram. We feel guilty these days if there's nothing for her in our days out so it was handy that they had a Children's Play Area and we could give her a run around and a slide. It was busy though, the penny dropped later that it's half term which would explain why!

We then played beat the Sat Nav all the way to Conway and onto Anglesey, making it here in record time. All settled in now, Audrey bathed and in bed, cheese and wine and errr....Champions League for us. I've got a good book on the go so am not too bothered about the football intrusion and the wind and rain outside are making this cottage so cosy. Happy happy holidays....

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