
By Stace91

Sneaky Church Blip!

Every time we travel to and from the hospital this church always catches my eye. Those of you who know me know how much I love old churches, so I couldn't resist this one. I asked mum if we could stop by on the way back so I could get a photo but when mum pulled in the driveway she told me it was private property so we couldn't go in or we could get arrested... No sense of adventure!

If you have an old church on your property you should expect curious people like myself to be pulling up and having a sticky beak.

Anyway, I hopped out of the car and had to take a photo through trees and a fence. If I had my proper camera it probably would have turned out better, but alas I did not.

In other news - It's FRIDAY!!!! Another busy weekend planned getting Nan's house organised for when she returns home. I will also try to catch up on your blips and some much needed sleep.

As always I'm sending my love to all of you beautiful people, take care of yourselves and one another


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