
By middaypyjamas


While yesterday I didn't go on a blip hunt, today I most certainly did. My brother Matt told me over the weekend that he had a blip for me at his house. So we planned that I would go over to his house for our usual bi-weekly bootcamp plus get this blip he was bragging about.

It turned out to be a good one.

As you may have noticed the nest above features 3 young chicks. Their mother was kind enough to leave me alone while I climbed up on a chair and took a few snaps. It was a bit of a challenge trying to get the right angle amongst all the branches as well as the right lighting, but I did get a few good shots. It may not be the most artistic photo you've ever seen but it does show but it does show 3 beautiful young chicks sitting in the nest, and if that doesn't make a good blip I don't know what does!


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