Keill's Cross

According to the weather forecasters this was going to be one of the best days of the week:-)
We decided to make the most of it and we headed towards Tayvallich again but instead of stopping at the village we headed through the village to visit the Old Parish Church at Keills.
Keills had been a busy port in the 18th and 19th centuries as it was to there the cattle were landed from the islands of Islay, Jura, and Colonsay but nowadays it's a very quiet spot.
This small medieval church (12th century ) is dedicated to the Irish saint Cill Mhic Charmaig.It probably stands on the site of a much earlier chapel from the 6th century.
The chapel is under the care of Historic Scotland and now houses inside the re-roofed chapel a wonderful collection of carved crosses and grave slabs which have been moved inside the chapel to protect them. The Keills cross is the largest and most elaborate.
We then stopped at Tayvallich for lunch then headed over to Carsaig where we watched several of the locals putting one of the larger fishing boats into the water.This took some time but they were successful :-)
To finish the day we had a lovely walk in Dunardry Woods which gave us lovely views towards Crinan:-)

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