
By Stace91

The Rubik's Cube's Evil Cousin!

Today I was once again at Nan's house getting things sorted out. I got to sit with my great gran who was singing songs to me, she's 96 but she can still sing a tune and make the most out of life :-)

This little bugger though we found among some of Nan's things as she keeps a lot of knick knacks. My brother handed it to me to see if I could work it out.
I worked on it for half an hour before I gave up, it is actually worse than a Rubik's cube. You can't take the stickers off or anything!!

In half an hour I worked out one side but when I had to work out the other side, well the first side I did got muddled again!! Patience is not one of my virtues... Now I know why it was hidden away.

I liked going through some of the things because there were books and toys from my childhood, it was like taking a nice summer stroll down memory lane :-)

Nan comes home tomorrow! We're all a little nervous but excited I think to start this new chapter. I must say thank you to everyone here on blip. Your kind comments, support over the last few months and the well wishes for my nan have been greatly appreciated.

Well I do hope you are enjoying your weekend. A shout out to anyone around the Penrith and Blue Mountain area, hope you're all doing okay, thinking of you and sending my love your way xx

Stacy xo

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