3 Years Old...3 Pictures

3 years ago...a little boy was born into our family...to my daughter and her husband. Our first grandchild.

Where has the time gone? How did he get so big? When did he switch from baby formula to orange punch? Does he really want me to call him Officer Merrick? Am I 3 years older, too?

We are having his birthday party on Monday. Tonight, it was 2 different Halloween parties. Obviously...he is a policeman.

We picked him up at the first party. His Mom and Dad left to go to another party, one hosted by my other daughter. Merrick will spend the night at our house, and go to church with us in the morning.

I should have posted the picture I took of his parents on another page...but they were dressed much too scary. They even frightened me.

I can't decide whether this looks like my grandson...or Barney Fife. Happy Birthday to my little man.

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