
By Fido

Water Water Everywhere

The nordic cousins arrived at my mum and dad's house late last night off the train from London, full of big city tales and harry potter jelly beans.

Today despite the wild wet weather we ventured out together to the grounds of Scone Palace, where in the torrential rain you can get the place pretty much to yourself. However, these four (the littlest was warm and dry and watched all the proceedings from the comfort of his raincovered pram) kids are well used to wild wet weather and so with waterproofs donned and a gung-ho attitude in place, they made short work of the Murray Star Maze. It was the adults who were left wondering which way was in and which was out, where the centre was and why we are actually wandering about in this bleak weather in any case.

After soup, bread and jam sandwiches in the Old Servants Hall cafe, we made a short visit to an exhibition of artworks by a friend of my mums, where we all dried out partly and where the children managed to fill up on a few fine pieces*, and then it was onwards for some of us to the delights of the Perth Leisure Pool where we got soaking wet all over again.

* fine pieces as in traybakes, not works of art

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