South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

RAC to the rescue!

The car still totally refused to start this morning so hubby had to call the RAC. Their man couldn't start it either so has had to tow it to the garage for us - an RAC approved garage in Littlehampton which will apparently be much cheaper than the garage we were intending to take it to. £280 only (!) to replace the starter motor.

The storm hasn't done too much damage - three panels of the very sturdy (so we thought!) back fence have keeled over towards the neighbour's garden - two of the post supports have partly pulled up out of the ground. Also a small part of the plastic fascia around the top of the house has fallen down. A strip of it has been ripped off the top of the house opposite as well. Slept reasonably well last night as we were on the opposite side of the house from the blast of the storm. Dad is fine as well - and the tatty fence that his neighbour refuses to replace is still standing (well as much as it ever is!)

Hope everyone in the amber warning area is okay today - I think (apart from two tragedies in Kent and East Sussex) we generally got away fairly lightly, though a number of trees have fallen down apparently.

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