Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Back to normal......

......Lizzie didn't waste any time getting back to her usual routine. Lovely to have her back, even if she is a little smelly!

Sarah and I are relaxing today - I am enjoying the tea and toast too. No place like home.

I got chatting to a chap from the Faroe Islands on the plane yesterday, he had been a fisherman for nearly 50 years until he could no longer make a living from it so now he works on the wind farms off the North West coast of England. He was a fascinating character, he has been all over the world, including Antarctica, and said I must visit the Faroes Islands as it is the most beautiful place in the world. It turns out he is an artist and also a photographer - his photographs are here. All in Danish but you can get the idea.

Sorry for the lack of commenting recently, I will try to catch up!

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