On the 7th

As I'd missed two days of work due to Audrey's illness, Angus kindly took a day off today to let me work. What a team!

After he'd finished his emails this morning, we passed the childcare baton and I was out of the door with my laptop and a bag full of notes.

I spent the day at On The 7th (my new home from home) at MediaCity, powering through everything. Updated all my clients, spent a few hours on a particularly tricky press release (hope they appreciate my efforts) and planned my work for the rest of the week. Mum and Dad have Audrey tomorrow so it will be VAT return, invoicing and meeting with a member of staff.

Angus and Audrey were in fine fettle when I got home, both having napped most of the afternoon by the sounds of it! Audrey has become hypersensitive to noise on her naps lately. You literally can't walk upstairs without her stirring. The only way to get her to sleep longer is to stay in one room quietly. Whereas I charge around the house doing chores on her naps (often waking her), Angus solved this dilemma by sleeping whilst she slept! Men!

She seems a little better today although she still has an upset stomach. We are sick to death of feeding her bread and bananas, it has been almost a week now. Really concerned, she's missing vital nutrients and calcium as she's off the milk too. Really hoping she improves tomorrow so we can start to give her 'proper food' again! It is a worry.

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