Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Morning Light

Currently morning arrives later and later. I think it was nearing 7:00 a.m. when I captured this sight. The time change will be observed this coming Sunday during very early morning, so next week our mornings will arrive early again.

After several moments of rain last night, our morning arrived with everything in the backyard havng a new layer of "clean." The three pups certainly noticed it. Their little sniffers were working overtime as they walked through the backyard with noses rapidly twitching.

It's been a few days since I've posted some of the words of our friend Randy, whose wife, Stephanie, died on September 13th from brain cancer after only a little over two weeks of knowing that a brain tumor was what she was dealing with. Steph was 56, and she & Randy had been high school sweethearts.

A friend assisted Randy in creating a FaceBook memorial page to post memories and photos of Stephanie. Randy is posting his feelings every day or so and it is more than interesting to read his emotional messages and to see the comments made by others to him. Two recent messages from Randy have been especially touching. Yesterday he posted . . .

"One more step of saying goodbye, closed her bank account today. Man is it hard to hold my wedding certificate and her death certificate in one hand."

Then today he wrote:

"Several walking areas that I am giving up, as I cannot walk there without her holding my hand. Heck I cannot even walk up to the mailbox; if I drive, it does not seem to bother me, but walking, no, we did that together for 20 years at this house."

I read his words today just moments after he posted them. I replied with "A visual, though, of the two of you in such special oneness. So many couples never even come close to tasting the quality of coupleness that you have enjoyed. The memories of those moments hurt now; they have seasoned your entire lives and continue to remind you of a rare precious love. At least two of us here in the grandstands, sigh!
We love you!"

Most of Randy's friends know that the face of grief can change in a moment and sometimes stay around for days. So we, Randy's friends, are seeing the face of denial, of anger, of bargaining, of depression and of acceptance, and I think most of us realize that Randy is walking the road many of us will walk as we someday deal with the loss of a mate.

Good night from Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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