Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

They’re Back…

… all 33,000 photos (250GB) — but soon to be fewer.

After the computer débacle on Monday, I called our computer guru Rob on Tuesday to help me retrieve my backed-up photos from the Time Machine. (I didn’t invent that name.) After he’d had me try a few things without success, he said he would have to make a house call.

Rob arrived just after 9 AM this morning, and after asking me a few questions got down to business. It wasn’t long before the photos were being transferred back into my iMac, slowly at first, then slower and slower. At 11 AM the estimated time to completion was 27 days! Rob thought things might improve eventually and left me with instructions on how to proceed when the transfer was complete.

He was right —- by noon the estimated time was down to 7 days. At 2 PM it was 7 hours, and when we got home at 5:30 after yoga, it was almost finished.

I’ll sleep much better tonight! Tomorrow I'll start deleting some photos.

P.S. I found the missing photo of my pilot friend that I referred to in Monday's blip. I've added it to the Flickrstream and edited the blip.

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