Life through the lens...

By ValC

A bit OTT!

When I went to the farm shop today for our meat, and to buy some fish from the Grimsby fish van, I saw this in the field on the other side of the road.

There is a pub near by, and they are getting ready for their celebrations on Bonfire Night.
This is in the field opposite the farm!
Very OTT and not a thought for the farm animals!

M has complained, but has been told there is nothing he can do, and each year the fire gets bigger!
So he moves the animals as far away as possible.

I love bonfires and fireworks but this is just too much.

On a brighter note, I have made my Christmas cakes, and the smell throughout the house is wonderful!
MrC went with son and grandson to watch Leeds, and they won!

Keeping fingers crossed for the weather tomorrow.
Our walk is over the moors near Halifax.

Hope you are all enjoying the weekend.

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