Life through the lens...

By ValC

The marina

A rainy shopping day.

Photo of Brighouse Marina on the Calder and Hebble Navigation Canal, near Sainsburys .

We don't buy our fruit and vegetables from the supermarket, as we get ours from the farm shop, but we have to walk through this section on our way in.
So I usually have a look to see what is on offer, and the prices.
The last few weeks I have bought Kent grown raspberries, but they didn't have any today.

However I did notice some very small packs ( 150g) of blackberries, at £2.
Closer look at the packaging, and found they had come from Guatemala!!!!!!
I just couldn't believe it!
Just think of the air miles!!
It has been such a good year here for blackberries. All for free, and so much better tasting!
Can't we wait now until next year, and then enjoy them in season once again?

Would love to know what you think!

We are quite enjoying the still fairly mild weather, but our friends with the farm are praying for frost!!
They are wanting to lift the rhubarb crowns to bring into the sheds for forcing, but they can't do this until they have been frosted.
I think the crop is going to be late.
They like to have some ready for Christmas, but it may be the New Year.

However they have had a record crop of pumpkins, and sold them all, so that is good news.

Glad I am not a farmer!

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