Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

Domestic Blipps

Imagine- two Blippers and, now, two Blipees in the one place, three if you include me. (Math was never my strong point)
The girls here, like girls universally, prefer barter to bluster.
Wonderful World wants to watch Eastenders, the Princess doesnt.
The Princess allows Eastenders in exchange for promised pop videos, and the Fabled Back Scratch.
Wonderful World, in a daring, pre-dessert move, slips Coronation Street into the negotiations, balanced by the promise of chocolate chip cookies with dessert.
Protestations, then accord. (The addition of potential Brunch ice cream soothes jangly nerves across the board,as does the placatory glass of red wine.)
What am I doing? Serving Chili, followed by stewed rhubarb, ice cream and cookies, and just loving the relationship that these two wonderful women have.
Everyone wins in the end.

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