Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Delightful weather !!

So delightful we did two long walks in the sunshine ... Make the most of it I say.
Eve was back at school today and Lucy was meant to be but she was not well last night and she woke me up to get her some paracetamol and that is VERY rare.. You know it's serious if my girls even wake up let alone come in to us.We let her sleep as she had been complaining of a bad headache and she didn't even wake up until 10.30am and I had even been vacuuming !!!
Anyway what ever it was seems to be going the colour has come back to her face and she says she feels better .
I am just sat with the girls now watching Oliver ... That would be the 1968 feature film not some random kid or anything ... Talking of the film Oliver my dad once went on the piss (got drunk) with the actor Oliver Reed .... My dad needed no encouragement and we all know Oliver Reed didn't .. Match made in heaven ;)
Ohhh and once my dad nearly ran over the actor James Mason outside the Dorchester a Hotel in London ... We like to get about abit in our family .

PS this is pepé in the sunshine and also as an aside my Dad is still alive just in case it looks as if he is dead... I hope he isn't as I got him to wear the kids orange wig the other day ....

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