From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

I didn't curse or swear!

Well that was a fine start to the day! I think my Pure Evoke radio was the only one in the world that hadn't altered itself with the daylight saving over a week ago and I didn't notice when I fell into bed last night. I still can't work it out. The radio woke me at 4 and the display said 4 so why was my 5am alarm going off? Weird! I had to check my phone and watch before I believed it, altered the clock time and got back into bed. Pointless trying to sleep again. I ended up staring at the ceiling in the dark until the alarm went off again.

I felt more than a little bleary eyed when I got to the council house just before 7am. I took the only picture of the day then while I was waiting for the porters to unlock the doors. I didn't feel guilty or embarrassed taking the picture even though they had seen me with my camera pointing out them and they were trying to reverse quickly and escape. They are usually chasing me up the High Street with their dratted street sweeper virtually polishing my boots at the same time.

It was a quiet day and I carried on with reports today. I have the worst of it out of the way and may enjoy myself setting up a new load of Social Care people tomorrow.

Shauqat called in on his day off before lunch with his 8 year old son who wanted to see where his dad normally spent his days. The school was shut for a teacher training day. Shauqat enquired how my journey back from Ayr went - he hadn't read my yesterday blip yet - so I told him all about my passport problem. I managed not to let any swearing slip out which was quite a feat for me. Don't get me wrong, I don't do lots of cursing and swearing but how can I put this? I often have a rather colourful choice of fruity phrase which might be more suited to a factory environment than council offices. Anyway, we all survived the visit and I was on my very best behaviour the whole time.

I have nothing else to tell you. That's it. Monday's done for another week. Hopefully I will tell you of even wilder days before the week is out....

Track? Here's another very early clip from The Stones - Not Fade Away

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