As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

33.33 Repeating

I hope that this is one of the 33.33 repeating.

School was, as predicted, okay. My team won the gym soccer championship match, and I moved my seat in calc for the day.

I'm so thankful to be practicing with my team this week. We ran an easy 5 and just enjoyed the beautiful fall afternoon.

I tutored for an hour and then went to Boy Scouts.

Instead of going home to work on my homework, I opted to head to the Inn to see Walsh before he heads back to Arizona. I got to know Nick a little better and I finally got a chance to speak to Andrew in person. Phil and Dejan made guest appearances as well. It was strange seeing so many people I've only heard of as heroes of the past together, just hanging out. I liked it.

Photo credit goes to Nick; he's going to make a great #teacher one day. #fall #pictureday

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