Winter is coming

Today has been quite an eventful day.

I woke up early to go for a run before work. The weather was perfect this morning, before the sun had fully risen. You can see the frost on the grass, there was a definite chill in the air and I could see my breath as I ran. Perfect. Winter is coming and I'm getting excited about it. I love cold weather running. I may be one of the few people that prefers the winter to the summer.

Wesley was out this morning as I went for a run and he totally followed me up to the park. I swear he'd have run with me if a dog hadn't come along and chased him away. Oh yeah, I'm that girl, I run with cats.

I then had two big meetings at work today, which ended on a high note, then off out to a bar tonight for burgers and beers. A good day all in all.

Today's run: 3 miles
November running mileage: 13 miles
2013 running mileage: 927 miles

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