Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

I noticed this wall when I was out this morning. It instantly made me think that you never know what is happening behind things. Also the word complicated came to mind.

Met a colleague I used to work with for a pot of tea and chat this morning. It was nice to catch up but it also made me miss what my life used to be like.
I found it so hard to leave the flat though; I was so nervous and agitated and ended up hovering at the front door in tears.
It was uncomfortable being outside and the noise of the coffee shop got to me. It felt so great to come home and get back to the sofa where I have been all afternoon.

Last night when on the phone I was advised to go up to the S’s Edinburgh branch to speak to someone face to face; I want to, but the thought of going out again is scaring me.

I feel alone and emotional.

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