
By buzzard

The light has gone out

Another day another dollar!

finished writing up an audit, sad to think it doesn't matter what it shows, their till bound to say start 7day working.....I for one wont sign up to work six days on the trot, I'd like to think I have a life!?

We've just wrapped up the stand to our Tiffany style table lamp, ready to post off back to the company tomorrow. It is a beautiful wedding gift, but sadly its got a fault in it. The company said to post it to I'm hoping for a replacement stand. we shall see.

fireworks still going off around us again tonight. Glad the boys were in when next door set off a set, because it even scared me!! poor Alan came racing out of the kitchen to us.

I have been given back my two days leave from last week as I was not well, massively pleased about that, was prepared to loose them.

In other news try to get my mind set to making some proper progress with decluttering. .....I wish someone else would come in and sort the stuff out for us. my husband still has unopened boxes in the loft from when he moved in a couple of years ago.

Im wondering if its possible for someone to go from a daydreamer to a productive doer. ........I wish I could.

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