
Good work day today. Got lots done and am really feeling the buzz of being busy again. Funny how that comes and goes so much since having Audrey.

She was pretty happy today with the Gagas (she calls Mum and Dad "Gaga" instead of Grandma and Grandad). Although at one point today, she called by Dad "Ga Dad" which means we're moving in the right direction.

Worked from home for the first hour, then drove out to Media City in my newly repaired car. Weather has been atrocious but stayed warm inside on a leather sofa with my laptop and hot coffee on tap. There are worst ways to work...

Took Audrey out for an early evening stroll in the dark, damp, deserted streets of Chorlton. She seemed pretty happy in her cosy rain-covered pram to look at the lights and listen to the gentle whoosh of passing traffic.

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