
By lucia13

Where is the bird?

Today was an awful day here ! dark and raining all the time so I didn't take any pictures outside. Sorry I was bury busy today.
I went to the art class in the afternoon and later Anthony and his mother came to visit me . We had a nice chat with a cup of tea and enjoyed the cartoons with Anthony a little bit and playing with him.
I was showing my paintings to Suzy his mother and put it in the frame. She wants one and she likes this one but I promised her another similar, This one is for home. My husband likes the forest so this one is for for us..
Anthony was looking for the bird in the forest hehe! It was very funny . I should have painted a bird. I told him the next time I will remember to paint a bird for him. He was very enthusiastic about my forest so I took a picture of him . This was my opportunnity for a blip today! Hope you enjoy The pic . This is not the best of my paintings but it is colourful and Antony likes it a lot! hehe!
Thanks a lot for the nice comments and stars in my blip yesterday. Glad you like it.
Have a nice day and smile everyone! even if it is raining. We say 'A bad weather good face'

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