Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

All whimsy......

A long death life is, if not lived.

I wrote those words in a poem when I was about 15, it must have been during my dark, death, eye liner gothy times. Strange, but it sounds morose, however, it is life affirming. I sat on my haunches down by the river, contemplating all manner of things this morning, when someone said "it's not worth it you know" out of the blue. After a brief chat, it turns out they assumed that I was contemplating something different entirely!

It made me smile, we rush to judge all the time. I thanked them for their care but said that I was a 'fighter' and that I would never give in if there was a moment of life I could snatch!

It got me to thinking about all the amazing stuff this life has to offer, all the wonderful moments that I have had so far, to-ing and forming from this and here we are on another wonderful day...all contrasts and whimsical joy!

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