Aunty Janet and Bebe came to visit...
Eva actually let her Daddy give her some Calpol last night and lo and behold she went straight to sleep, only woke once at 2am when I gave her some more Calpol and a feed, and then slept til 8am. Yayyyyyy.
Eva and I went back off to Mad Moos this morning to finish making her Christmas presents which we go back to collect next week. Am very excited. Amanda, who runs the business, is such a lovely lady and Eva seems to really like her too.
She's getting so heavy now, and more so when I'm trying to carry her in her car seat, that I've started leaving the car seat in the car, and just carrying her. It was raining today though, so I carried her with her blanket over her head which Eva found hilarious. Hehe.
We nipped to Sainsburys on the way back home, and Eva was shattered by the time we got back at around 12.30, that I thought she needs a sleep, so if she's still asleep by the time it's time to leave for Musical Babies, I won't take and just let her sleep.
Not long into Eva's sleep, the doorbell rang, and who should it be, but my bestest friend in the World's 3 year old little girl, Bebe, and Sue's mom, Janet!!! Bebe informed me she'd come to see Eva! I gave Bebe a huge cuddle and told her Eva was asleep and would probably be asleep for quite a while as she'd only just gone to bed, but Bebe assured me it was ok, she'd wait! She really is hilarious. I love that she wanted to see Eva so much! Sue later told me that when Nanny pulled up outside my house, Bebe's seatbelt was off before she'd even stopped the engine lol! I thought it was lovely that she was so excited to see my baby girl. She loved seeing the cats too and I absolutely loved seeing her and having a good chin wag with Janet.
We went round Nanny and Grandad Peter's in the afternoon for a catch up and Eva had a play. We also saw Uncle David and Aunty Liza also popped in to get Lorna's birthday presents for her 16th birthday tomorrow.
Again Eva went to bed very happily and was still spark out when I went up around 11 o' clock xxxxxxx
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