Lorna's 16th Birthday xxx
Eva slept a lot better last night only waking once. Whether it's the fact she's back to letting us give her Calpol due to her teething, or just coincidence, I'm not sure. It was quite a rush when we did wake up this morning, as we woke late and Stay and Play started at 10 am.
Eva loves Stay and Play, and it's such a lovely group of people and babies/children that go, and obviously we see Jen and Eva there too. The lady who I'd met at antenatal and then saw at the doctors at weigh in on Monday came with her little boy Alex, and it turns out she's a teacher at Hollywood, Jake's old school. Such a small world. She's ever so nice, her name's Grace. Eva was making everyone laugh because she just kept rolling off the mat all over the floor, and was just generally in her element being her more often than not, usual chilled out self.
She had her sleep when we got back, and Liza popped round with Lorna's birthday cake that she'd just been to fetch. A big Justin Bieber cake, it looked amazing!
Jake and I were going out at 7 for Lorna's birthday family meal, so I gave Eva her tea, gave her a big milk feed and lots of cuddles, and left her with Daddy while we went out. We were all watching her in bed at the restaurant on the camera. Wide awake. We saw Mike go in with his iPad to put In The Night Garden on for her, we saw her roll over onto her front and pull the iPad over, and just generally saw her playing and kicking her legs in the air. This camera is fab! One of the best things we've bought!
We had a lovely evening out altogether and I think Lorna thoroughly enjoyed her birthday. I cannot believe my baby niece is 16, the years have flown by. I always remember her when she was a toddler and used to love Winnie The Pooh, and we used to always get her to say Piglet over and over as she used to say "Pig-err-lit" so cute! Seems like only yesterday. And now she's 16 and is absolutely beautiful!
We got back just after 10, I went into our bedroom to try and settle Eva down, and typical, she must have just fallen asleep. So I came downstairs, made myself a drink, got through half of it when she woke up crying, so went back up to give her the milk and cuddles I was going to give her before, and she settled back down nicely and went straight back to sleep. I was glad she'd woken up, Mommy wanted cuddles xxx
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