Pot Of Gold....or maybe just change!

Hi Tom

I couldn't fit anymore money into my money pot so it was time to break it open. I wrapped it in the tea towel and took a hammer to it. I felt a bit sad really having to do it, but there's no point keeping it when I can't put anymore in. Good job I have another two on the go. I only ever put small change in as you can see but can you guess how much I got out of it?

There were a few foreign coins as well. Some were American so you can have them.

I did my bootcamp session this morning. I was pleased I went as they did some different things. I also did my run after. My groin wasn't so bad. I could feel it but it didn't feel like I was doing anything to make it worse.

Today I had my friend over and we went for a long walk. It was really nice. When we got back the heavens opened so we were very lucky not to be caught in it.

Tomorrow we have a houseful here. We are having fireworks which Nick has organised. We have some sausages and burgers left over from your party that will go on the BBQ and a great big pot of chilli. Thankfully I'll be at work all day so will get out of a lot of the work. I guess I'll be doing my bit early before I go though.

Safe travels to your game. Hope you stay injury free....good luck. X

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