Proud Weegie

By Shiv

I'm a little teapot

Change of plans again this evening. I was supposed to be out on a 'Ladies night' for the Brownies (Bingo and a Disco, rather than Badge Work and Dodge Ball), except that I finally played a recorded message on my mobile from Sunday night.

A totally incoherent doctor had left a message to say that 'there was a space in surgery for my op on Monday - phone back ASAP or I would lose my slot'.

I called them and it seems No 2 has to get an operation to have pins inserted into her broken thumb. They said they had tried to contact me a 'number of times' (one recorded message and 2 hang ups!) - and were very abrupt.

Why do the medical profession DO that. You are already on the back footing, and they make you feel very insignificant. I had to ask them what the procedure was, how long she would be in etc. They said they would call me back. I felt like crying - because 5 days had passed since the original call.

Anyway...the surgeon called back (he sounded about 12!):

Surgeon: "Hello, Is that Mrs S...I spoke to you earlier this evening about your daughter's surgical procedure...."

Me: (what I wanted to say: " oh no ! You are far too nice. The jumped up school boy I spoke to was rude and domineering and had NO social skills....You sound like the kind of young man I would like my daughter's to (one day) bring home")- but I didn't say that of course.

Anyway - we have to report to the hospital at 7.30 am tomorrow for surgery. Not sure if No 2's hand will be recovered in time for her School ski trip in Feb ("It depends"- said he).

Why does the surgical profession attract people with NO social skills or emapthy?

No 2 is fine...except she was told she couldn't paint her nails for surgery, as they use nails to check circulation etc. She is expecting visitors and grapes and lucozade.

Here's Mr S and his old Primary school buddy (from school in Thurso!) - they met up at university after many years and have been firm friends ever since. He is also the nice man who does my 'snagging list' (that's NOT a Euphemism!) and he shared a house with my middle sister years ago - which is where the party was that I met Mr S !

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