Step Cautiously

By alixmarie11

Linzer Torte Thumbprints

Week two brought another savory cookie. This nutty and fruity cookie was not what I wanted to start off week two with. If anything, I thought that because the first week was a savory cookie, this week would be different. Alas, it wasn't. Here are our scores!

Ali's Score:
Taste: 1.5
Appearance: 2
Easiness: 4.5
Overall Score: 2.7

Mike's Score:
Taste: 1.5
Appearance: 2
Easiness: 4
Overall Score: 2.3

We followed the recipe to the T and the cookie was just not up to par. When the magazine said the "100 best cookies," we should have expected that the worst cookie out of the hundred was going to be just that-- bad. Still, if you are a fan of hazelnuts and fruit, this cookie may be for you. Plus, we had fun drizzling the chocolate on top.

Our Advice: When picking the jam or jelly you are going to use, choose wisely. Don't choose a fruit that will go poorly with the other ingredients, but also be mindful of the jams and jellies you like. Make the 1-inch balls a little smaller than you would think, and don't be afraid to really press your thumb in there. Also, don't worry about using all your flour mix. We found our cookies to be a little drier than they should have been and since there are no wet ingredients (other than butter really), it is safer to use the flour sparingly. When it comes to plopping the jam onto the cookies, do not overload them. The jam does not melt the way you think it would.

Thanks for reading this week! Make them yourself!

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