Life through the lens...

By ValC

Well camouflaged.

A day of mizzle, and cold wind again when we got down to the beach.
So not a good shot of the turnstone. Do they ever keep still?!!
But I liked the way this showed how well they blend in with the shingle on the beach.

We had a lie in today, and then a good breakfast.
Bacon, egg, tomato, mushrooms, and black pudding. ( bacon and black pudding was from a local butcher and tasted sooooo good!

Then went into Holt to do a bit of shopping.
First went for a browse in Adnam's wine shop, and ended up doing a wine tasting!
A new Nelson's spiced rum.(I loved! Not MrC's taste)
White Burgundy.
French white from Bordeaux.
Delicious sweet wine to go with Christmas pud. ( will be back to buy a bottle later!)

After some window shopping, went to the Norfolk Wildlife Trust's café in their visitor centre overlooking Cley marshes.
Tea and cheese scones, and I couldn't resist a scrummy lemon cake!

We had a wonderful view over the marshes and lagoons, from their huge window.
Among loads of ducks etc. we spotted 4 avocets, and a Marsh harrier.

Then down to the shingle bank at Salthouse, which is where we saw the turnstones.

Back now to change, as we are off to The Bell at Wiverton for their pie and a pint evening!

Not a bad day in spite of the weather!!

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