BIG Storm Coming....& Our Dead Fridge

...with very little tweeking.
Rumi was not a happy camper when we got to the beach.
Not only were there really big Dig Digs....fixing up the beach from last years cyclone...after a while there was thunder and lightning which sent him all aquiver.
He shook like a leaf and stayed very close.... whining.

I had to take a pano today...a single shot just didn't cut the mustard.

It was fabulous being in amongst it felt wild and wonderful....however when the lightning got stronger and the thunder made me jump so high I nearly peed my pants I decided to high tail it back to the car..a tin box no less........a fabulous conductor for bolts of electricity..good job I was wearing my rubber flip flops.
Flash flooding and hail are forecasted...Yikes!

Today our fridge died.

I have posted this before...I love it!

“But listen to me. For one moment
quit being sad. Hear blessings
dropping their blossoms
around you.”
― Rumi (not the dog)

Stitched Panorama

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