Treasure Baskets!!!
Eva's 2nd night in her own bedroom last night. She did fabulously. She went straight to sleep at 8pm, woke briefly around 3am for a nappy change, teething powder and quick feed, then went back out like a light til nearly 8.30 this morning!
We'd got stay and play at 10am, and today, they were running a treasure baskets workshop. Eva sat on the big mat with the other babies, and played with treasure basket contents they'd put around, and looking at some books, whilst all the moms were told all about treasure baskets. Eva has been playing with everyday household objects for ages anyway, such as saucepans and spoons etc, but we did enjoy today's session, and it gave us other ideas of other things we could include. Today, Eva's basket consisted of a pink toothbrush, a pink sponge, a silver scourer, some pegs, a teaspoon, a wooden spoon and a little whisk. I just sat and watched her for ages when we got back, playing with her new treasures, I find her fascinating to watch.
Her new books that I'd ordered got delivered this afternoon. 100 First Words, a baby signing book, and Room On The Broom. I read her Room On The Broom straight away and omg she loved it! She loves stories. She was sat on my lap as I read it to her, listening so intently and looking at the pictures on the pages.
Grandad Nash is over from Spain and came to see us at tea time. He had a little munch of Eva before she went up for her bath and bed, and he put his Blues hat on her head and took a photo.
I gave her her bath whilst Mike caught up with his dad, gave her a big feed, and yet again she went to bed good as gold. Xxx
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