Lazier day today (phew). With Mr B able to deal with his own toilet requirements now, I managed a lie in.
It was no great surprise to me, when I came down, to find Mr B in the kitchen making coffee (sitting, with TallGirl passing him things). Mr B's relationship with coffee is a close one, and though inability to walk meant he had to endure coffee made by me yesterday, I figured that would be the most likely impulse to get him off the sofa!
Another grey, rainy day. Livened by a roast pork dinner with roast beetroot, potatoes two ways and veg. The trifle went down well, though CarbBoy asked if next time I could leave the fruit out...
TallGirl has been trying to train her fish all day; CarbBoy made his first Airfix model and didn't glue himself together.
When you're a parent you find yourself saying things you never thought you would. Usually not in a good way. I allowed myself a chuckle today when the words "TallGirl, could you make me some beurre manié please, pet?" slipped out.
(And she did. And the gravy was extra-super as a result.)
Monsters University on the telly (I was a bit disappointed) and churros to come.
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