
By SC26

Event 37; Hockey

A fairly sport-heavy 12 hours concluded with us taking part in an actual league hockey match for our Olympic Challenge We had been to one practice lesson, so felt massively unprepared for the responsibility of being in an actual game. I was put in defence, and absolutely LOVED it! It was so much fun, and I felt instantly competitive and wanted that victory. We won 1-0, and it was our team's first victory of the season. My Mum was really in to hockey at school, and played on the local mixed team; maybe I have some of it in my blood. I think it's shot up to the top spot for my favourite sport so far.

After the match, Mum came over for a Deli lunch and we had a lovely wander around Wiv, calling in at a Christmas market and the reopened Black Buoy for a shandy. I had planned to go and see some bands in the evening, but the sofa and Strictly called, and I decided on a much needed night in instead.

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