Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Sam and Tess' Granda

....is known as Tess' Magic Granda among their friends at school. Ever since the P1 party years ago when he astounded and lodged some fantastic memories in the minds of the assembled (and very) gullible five year olds with old school slight of hand, disappearing table tennis balls and his speciality when I was growing up - inspector gadget extending arms that when commanded to, magically extend to allow him to steal chips and the occasional sausage from other folks plates, particularly during pub lunches if I recall. It's genetic, I have a magic arm that steals cake from other folk's plates.

Magic Granda went into hospital today to get ready for a not insignificant operation tomorrow. Much anxiety all round and up to a years difficult recovery, all hoping for a positive outcome and a steady recovery. Yet, amidst it all, here is his magic working in the snow; it wasn't there when I dropped Tess at Brownies tonight, yet it had magically appeared when I drove her back home.

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