
By cowgirl

If I only I had a thumb ...

... thinks Fossey. If she did, she'd really show the wet weather what she thinks of it. Failing the ability to do that thumb on nose gesture, she had to content herself with just applying the sticking out of the tongue bit of it.

Yeah, so it may have rained a bit on us, but we had fun with sticks and a swim. Well, not me you understand, I just praised her for being a brave girlie in 'rescuing' the sticks from the water.

Still waiting for the boiler man, but he says the part is in the hands of the courier and as soon as he can he will be round to fix our lack of hot water and heating. Meanwhile, me and Arfa are snuggled up in a sleeping bag and a woolly hat ( me not him ). Even when the heating is fixed I'm going to have to leave the sleeping bag out for Arfa - he went all dreamy with a far away look in his eye when he realised it was on the sofa and started purring as soon as he set foot on it. Probably the same effect that stepping into a nice hot shower will have on me ...

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