
By cowgirl

Surprise visit!

I had to be at home this afternoon as a British Gas engineer was due round to service the boiler. Also the letting agents were bringing someone round to view the house so I wanted to be here to make sure the cats were out! They went out, but sat in the garden looking mournfully at us through the patio doors!

After they left, and before the BG Man arrived there was a knock at the door. There stood an elderly gentleman who said " you don't know me, but I'm your landlord "!

He said he'd come round to let the BG Man in as he had been told I wouldn't be in, and if someone from the letting agency had come to house-sit, they would charge him. I apologised for the confusion, as is thought I only had to notify them if I couldn't be at home.

Anyway, I invited him in. He's a nice man and was very happy with the way we'd kept the house. He'd already been told that we were good tenants, so he'd brought a nice card and lovely box of biscuits for us as a thank you! So sweet.

No sooner had he left, than the BG man arrived. He did what he had to do and left about 45 mins later, having had a cup of tea and a biscuit too!

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