Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Difference engine...

Why not? Yep, that's right....why not?

I find it frustrating that we don't say that, think that, more often. Break from the norm, following the crowd always seemed to be an odd thing to do, after all, what are you going to see apart from the back of the persons head in front of you?

Now I'm not saying that we should all go running around trying to be different, just that it's nice to be free thinking. Talking to people about Xmas has shown me how trapped most people are by the confines of their thought processes. You have to do this, you've got to do that, you know the kind of thing.

So this year I'm going to be open minded about it all, be creative, why not?

I finished a few cards so I thought I would blip them, I think I might be starting to feel a little seasonal..

Well, why not?

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