Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Evidence of another..

And so it starts....

My Christmas working shifts start and my lovely lady goes back to full time after several years of studying. So begins just over a month of 'ships in the night' for us. Strange and ghostly movements of this and that as we independently perambulate around the house. I love the things that appear dramatically in one place then another, like some kind of Dreamscape reality. The aromatic proof of her in the bathroom as her perfume drifts in the air, her dressing gown hanging on the settle, fluffy socks beside the bed.....such things are enchantments and magical.

Stolen moments on the settee with her head on my chest as we rest together on the rare nights we are home for any amount of time will, definitely, keep me going. There may hap be a time when we have a day together but lists of things will get in the doubt. Through out this time though there are those wondrous discoveries of evidence of her.....treasure awaiting eyes hungry for their sustenance.


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