the colour green

By jukeys

going, going, gone

Spent most of the day in front of the computer screen after taking the dogs out early on. Kept the fire stoked as it was freezing outside! Skyped with Luce for a good wee while in the afternoon which brightened things up no end :) Getting prepared to go to Marseille this weekend for Pierre's brother's birthday.

This is how Coquine starts to play...she sits and waits patiently, staring at you incessantly. Then she lies down and looks at you sheepishly. Finally, when she can help herself no longer, she rolls over and wills you to rub her on the tummy. Obviously I oblige every single time. Well, how could you not? I'm not sure why the flash went off on the last shot and not the other two, but it's turned out a lot brighter than I expected. I tried to sort the levels out and this was the best I could do.

I kept Leo at mine last night to see if him and Coquine would finally go for it! No chance. He just did a lot of sniffing, she did a lot of sitting down (or telling him to piss off in not so many words!), and then he cried from 7.30am because he wanted to go back to my dad's! Dogs? Who'd have 'em?!

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