Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor


Poor Orla. Her life is about to become a lot more stressful. Conor was trying to steal her dinner tonight. Another couple of months and she'll need to sit up at the breakfast bar to keep her food safe I think. Here's a video.

Orla had her Skint Knees drama show today. It was a bit of a drama, because I didn't look at the tickets properly and managed to convince myself that they were doing their normal class and then the show, which would have mean it starting at 1.45, when it was actually starting at 12.45. So we went for lunch and had ordered, then at 12.45 (thankfully), I happened to look at my watch and suddenly realised my mistake. I ran back (we were just round the corner) and Ed cancelled our order and followed after with Conor. He was sound asleep, but the lovely dance teacher Orla had had before kept an eye on him so that Ed could come in to the show too. Orla's group were on second, so she didn't know that we were late. Phew. It doesn't bear thinking about how disappointed she would've been if we'd missed it!

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