Family Dinner

We had Gran, Papa, Auntie Katie and Ryan round for dinner today (Uncle Scott is sick). Roast beef & Yorkshire pud, yum. This was Conor after he had fallen asleep and been taken to bed - yes, that's right. I am not skilful enough to get him into his sleeping bag without waking him. His second wind lasted about another hour. Orla decided to invite Dad and Papa to a picnic after dinner.

Quite often at family dinners the attention is on Orla and what she is leaving on the plate, that is after she has announced loudly that she doesn't like things. So we made a special point this time of not doing that. Orla knew beforehand that if she didn't comment on her food and stayed in her seat until everyone had finished she would get a special treat. And the more of her dinner she ate, the more treat she would get. It worked well, and although she didn't eat everything she came away with enough of a good feeling about it that I think she'll eat a bit more next time.

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