From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Piles of coats, gulls and jumpers!

Here in Ayr again, I didn't go out last night until after X Factor - yes I am ashamed but please forgive me - so I went to the Glen Park initially where Paul (the manager) was helping someone out of the front door. I mean helping in a nice way not chucking the old fellow out! There was no one else in there and despite Paul's cheery greeting, I told him he needed an early night and should lock the doors as he looked knackered and hadn't even had a shave. That isn't as rude of me as you are all thinking! The hotel side of the business is wearing the poor man out and it hasn't been doing that well for ages now. The brewery side is fine though and Ayr Brewing Company ales can be found all over the place these days.

I wandered up the road to the Twa Dugs where a band was playing as usual and 'Grab a granny' night was in full swing. It was packed to the rafters in there and I was glad to sit in a corner with my pint of Ayr Brewing Company Leezie Lundie. I didn't stay long as it was just too crowded and hot! Also I thought I was going to start laughing and would show myself up. Through a nearby bunch of people I thought I could see someone wearing a hairy skirt but when there was a gap in the bodies I could see that everyone had dumped their coats on a barstool and were circulating around it as though it was a traffic island. It just put me in mind of when my office was at Poplar Road in the middle of Solihull shopping centre joined onto a pub and one day I arrived (I was always the first to arrive and would turn the alarms off) and there was a GIGANTIC dog turd right in the middle of the pathway. I got in and once I was inside, I sent text messages to a few people I had numbers for to let them know about the danger!

It was there intact for the best part of a week and everyone treated it like a traffic island successfully navigating round it. It was a hot dry summer with no rain to wash it away. Someone stood in it on the Thursday and we never did find out who. No one on our floor did it anyway as I'd have known straight away being sat by the door like a receptionist in those days! Anyway, enough of that. Back to last night, I left the Twa Dugs and went to the Savoy Park hotel for a pint of Guinness and to have a nosey at the wedding crowd. Disappointingly, there were no men in kilts which is very unusual here. Oh well, next time....

Today was beautiful. It was crisp, cold but not windy or rainy so mom and I had a lovely walk into town. Mom spotted this sight when we walked past one store. She was quite shocked that he didn't have any knickers on! We then went to Hourstons, Ayr's posh department store where I got two jumpers/sweaters and a candle holder lantern. Mom bought me one of the tops which was lovely and then we got a loaf of bread which mom threw at the seagulls before running away screaming and I took pictures.

There endeth Sunday!

Track? Now this is the business! Let's have the finest Scottish rock band ever (in my opinion) - May The Sunshine

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